EVILSPEAK DEBUT ISSUE plus free scary cut out mask |
A shout out for a brilliant new horror fanzine I received a couple of days ago -
issue 1 of EVILSPEAK horror magazine.
It felt great getting my mittens on a proper tactile fanzine again
instead of those digital web based variety I've tried to get along with,
I was happily reminded back to the times I used to received numerous fanzine
and the resultant joys I'd get from poring over the pages.
In so many ways this new publication delivers brilliantly - straight out of the
protective bag the first thing that struck me was how great the standard of its
paper stock was , teamed with the glossy cover it seems to add weight to its
worth and in doing so also bring an added air of authority to its contents.
The top notch production values continues throughout - pleasingly planned and
laid out pages ( Justin Stubbs handiwork ) with lots of sensational artwork coupled
with clear movie stills all serve to pitch the tone of the mag perfectly.
It's a mighty 79 pages of lovingly crafted , well informed and nicely written horror
movie adoration - this how fanzines should be done , all quality work and decently
Have to my express my appreciation to Mike Howlett for his thoroughly
informative and well written piece on Fantaco,
(along with my biggest thanks to him for the kind mention of my work.)
A lot of hard graft goes into these endeavours so you need to beg , borrow or
even better still just go buy yourself a copy, support these guys for the all the
sterling effort they've poured into getting it assembled so beautifully.
I'm sure you'll agree, judging it by its debut issue It certainly deserves to be a
huge success
- long may EVILSPEAK continue to chatter! -
(I know i want more!)
Its Easter weekend, usually long and boring but I finally got around to watching
the EVIL DEAD reboot and invested some of my time re-reading EVILSPEAK and
then mashed the two with this drawing.
But notice that I skipped back to the masterful RAIMI trilogy to draw my inspiration
So what can I say about the eagerly await return to the famed cabin in the woods?
Its very brutal , rudely so, not one that flinches from throwing the nastiest gore and
maiming across the screen. There's plenty of vivid bloodletting and done with none
of the over the top campy florish that entertained us in the originals. In fact theres
so much blood flow that they really ought to have considered called this outing
To be honestly fair on my second viewing I did enjoy it a considerable bit more.
Maybe because i was now seeing it as a stand alone movie and not under the
umbrella of the Sam Raimi tales. Gone is the slap stick its replaced simply with
a stab with a sharp stick! I suppose its darker and humourless nature is more a
telling of a new audiences tastes, it's a product of modern times.
This new movie was good gruesome horror fare but not a patch on those groovy
original three treasures and some scenes are rather hard to stomach as it a
movie which at first seems to rely on gore rather than scares and doesn't deviate
from the original set up too much
EVILSPEAK draws you in..... |
It has indeed been an honor to not only get input from you for the GORE SHRIEK article, but to have introduced you to EVILSPEAK!! Billy and Vanessa have done a bang-up job, one that they should surely be proud of!
ReplyDeleteHad a thoroughly good time reading this mag -- more power to BILLY and Vanessa I say!