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Friday, 25 November 2016


We've just had the super supermoon and I spent ages outside trying to get a some splendid looking footage of the glowy orb. On the actual night of the event the sky was extremely cloudy and the night air all misty so all in all a bit of a failure but it inspired me I had a spate of drawing various werewolves.

This here is one such fellow Olly Reed and his hairy curse.

Hairy Hammer horror 


Digitally remastered-  it's now reDrawn of the Dead. 

Prime example of a well laid plan going all wrong. 
It's another sketch book page one that I was fortunate to get signed by the actual actor, my drawing of the awesome  Dawn of the Dead,  I got to put these pages in front of none other that Ken Foree who plays the SWAT officer Peter Washington in the movie  ( I recently learnt he also played Kenan's dad in the Kenan and Kel show - I used to watch that show and never even realised!)

The idea was to have Ken neatly and centrally write the best ever zombie related line from any zombie movie ever  "When there's no more room in hell..."  and then pop his moniker in the box provided in the lower right hand space.  Maybe it was those shades he was wearing that couldn't make out where his writing was headed, but his handiwork came out all bunched up in top half of the first box and in the signature box he scrawled his signature over some pencil titles that I was going to ink over later.
Apparently during the course of Dawn of the Dead's 239 end tally of fatalities Peter kills 66 zombies, thankfully its seems that his aim at zombie craniums is better than his pen placement, everything by his hand was placed wrongly. I was forced to run it through photoshop filters to eradicate the mistakes - so here I present both a before picture (shown below) and an final image after the digital alteration worked their magic. While I was at it I thought why not add some glorious Technicolor, so I did.


Scrawled on The Dead



Those weren't really telepathically controlled kitchen utensils  that flew into Margret Whites ( played by Piper Laurie) body during the Brian De Palma classic Carrie,  that effect was carried off by having the knives already in the body and then yanking them out using wires, the final cut the clip was flipped so that it ran in reverse and throwing in some Psycho inspired shrill sound effects just added to the impact. The story has religious connotations and if you note the knives that Carrie uses to fly at her mum hit in the same place as the arrows that pieced Saint Sebastian.

Here's my drawing of a blood soaked Sissy Spacek getting "carried" away with her pencil pushing powers.