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Monday, 12 May 2014

WOLFMAN - one armed lunacy

WOLFMAN got nards werewolf severed arm horror movie
unarmed yet dangerous

Ooh it was tempting for me to just write "for the written bumpf please refer to words below previous posting"

 Its Lon Chaney again this time in a overdone Blu Col sketch.

When i was a young un' back when libraries were frequented by people thirsty for knowledge I clearly recall reading one of the first horror stories that completely freaked my impressionable little mind out.
It was a factual book on monster, werewolves and vampires and within its pages I found a fascinating account of a hunter/trapper who while out one night was attacked by a wolf like creature , in the ensuring struggle he managed to hack one of the creatures paws off, upon returning from his hunting trip he was greeted at his door by his wife who mysteriously had one of her hands missing!!
Its quite possible that upon reading this book any desires to reside in log cabins and take up hunting completely left me.


  1. Wow! That drawing looks so awesome!

  2. Thanks Real Queen of Horror.
    I was reluctant to post this loose sketch up, its unfinished and rough. So pleased to read your comment, its given me impetus to post more half abandoned drawing.
    You really made my day with your appreciative words, thanks again.

    Blooper Alert: notice that the wolf-mans arm is cut above the elbow and the severed arm ends below the elbow ---surely this mean that the elbow section is completely missing!
    (the only way I can explain it away is by the fact that nobody said this is his arm laid on the ground)
