A big hearty hi to everyone who's visiting via Twitter.
I decided this year to partake in the Drawlloween challenge (where you challenge oneself to ink a drawing a day) I was pleased to find I had this image below retweeted and it lead numerous people to this blogger site and so I decided why not also post it here. For Inktober type challenges you simply have to draw in ink using the prompts , on this day it was the title"reel monsters" to work from, and I suppose the inspiration came about having just watched the excellent boxing movie Southpaw s
leading me to create this fictional monster bout.
Today is actually Friday the 13 and that neatly also forms part of the challenge, so this morning I got up and started speedily inking up a Jason image and will hopeful have that done later today post and be posted that here too.
BOOF! RUMBLE in the BRONX! Fight promoted by Don KING ( note no relation to Kong or Stephen ) |